Bitcoin 100.000$

December 5th, Bitcoin reach an historical point.
This cycle is different from the previous ones.

Indicators says that Bitcoin will at least go up to 115K-116K get shorters liquidity, RSI says that we have still space for a highest ATH. Pi cycle top indicator also indicate that we are not yet on the top, predicting 148K (my pessimistic version of the 180K-200K expectation).

Bitcoin is a visionary project. Money was probably the most disruptive "technology" humanity created.

Before the Money Era: What trading items was like?

Situation: You want to trade sweet apples for men's size 44 shoes in your village. So you go to the shoemaker.
Here are the questions you could face:

-> Last week the shoemaker, luckily, traded someone else's apples. But they were sour. Yours are better. How do you evaluate the value difference?
-> He traded those sour apples for size 38 women's shoes. How do you evaluate the value difference with the size 44 men's shoes you are looking for? Bigger sizes require more material. But smaller sizes require more precise work.
-> What if no one traded apples to the shoemaker for the past two years, and you both don't remember the hundreds of item price comparisons you've seen around you? Based on what will you evaluate the apple's value?
-> And what if, right now, the shoemaker's only problem is that his wife left him, and he actually doesn't care about your apples?
-> Okay, what if, in reality, he really cares about your good apples but just doesn't want to buy them right now? What if he only wants them in 1–2 months?

With these questions, you realize how complex the pre-money era was when it came to exchanging value.

Money solved everything.
Money enabled people to simply trade and store value. 
We went from day-by-day living, hunting and picking, to planning the future.

What's funny is that money holds value only because all of humanity believe in its value.
But what will happen the day they will stop? the day people will stop trusting money because of states printing like crazy and stealing their lifetime savings?

We will probably go through a really hard time for all of humanity.

Systems are about to collapse.
And this day, I hope that Bitcoin will save us being the only trustworthy form of asset, capable of being traded and storing value, that we can rely on.