
Blackholes hold secrets on our world that most people don't see yet.

Newton discovered gravitation when the apple fell on his head.
Albert Einstein discovered the relativity. The more an object is heavy, the more it will distord space and time tissue, making the object falling toward it, known as gravitation.

What do we know?
We know the universe is probably around 13.8 billions years old (I won't be surprise if we found out that it is even older)
At the early stage of its life, it was warm and dense, and as the time goes on, it gets bigger and colder. The universe is expanding due to an original explosion.
Blackholes eat matter, and... disappear? No, for Lavoisier nothing can be lost and nothing can be created ex-nihilo.

Big bang is super dense hot matter that one day exploded due to its instabilitity.

Blackholes are super dense object that bring more matter to them making them more and more unstable, and bend the space and time tissues so much, that even light cannot escape them.

Even if trillions of nuclear explosions happen every seconds inside blackholes, we will never get the information of it.

My thesis is that, blackholes aggregates insanely big amount of matter, that get warmer and unstable, and one day, explode due to their unstability. They do "Big bangs" and from them, new "universes" are getting created. Starting being warm. Expanding fast and getting colder over the time.

If this approach get verified, this will make chain reactions.
- This will mean that, at least, 2 universes exist. Ours and our universe's mother. Which will then mean that there is probably a very high number of universes surrounding us, really far away. Like bubbles.
- Wormholes will simply be blackholes connecting 2 universes.
- Dark matter will probably be gravitation forces exerced by surrounding universes around ours, and pulling our universe walls faster.
- There will also be a really high number of chances that life exist, if it does not exist in our universe, could exist in other universes.
- And that our universe is finite, as well as the genesis universe we descended from.
Further reflexions here:

This is mindblowing how nothing we are in this world. And how limited and weak we are.
I would love to know how all of this works.