Lifetime wealth opportunity.

I've never seen a that huge opportunity for people who wants to make money, while drastically reducing their risk.
12 years. Small amount of money. That's all what you need.

Albert Einstein: "Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it. He who doesn't, pays it."
We will play with that.

Crypto market is the best bet to do. Why?
Because it is super volatile. Plus, when we are in bullmarket, you know it for sure. When you are in bearmarket, you also know it for sure. First advice will seems stupide, but it is that simple. You should buy the downs, and sell the highs. Buy the -80% and sell the +500%. (advice 1)

Cycles last approximately 4 years. 1cycle = 1bearmarket+1bullrun.

Bitcoin runs first, altcoins follows. This means you should all-in bitcoin, then move liquidity to alts. (advice 2)

By the way, Bitcoin will get to 1M dollars per coin, as people believe it will. And I hope it won't be for these 2025 cycle or 2028-2029.

[Cycle one: 2025] : 100K
BTC: 18K -> 96K (5x) - when people believe it will go to 180-250K
ETH: 3K -> 9K (3x) - when people believe it will go to 16-20K
Exited at 15x your investment.

[Cycle two: 2029] : 1.5M
BTC: 50K -> 250K (5x)
ETH: 6K -> 18K (3x)
Exited at 15x your investment.

[Cycle three: 2033]: 22.5M
BTC: 150K -> 750K (5x)
ETH:  ??K -> ??K (3x)
Exited at 15x your investment. Buy back at -80% or fully exit crypto market.

Results: with that ultra-pessimistic plan, I would have probably made you lost hundred of millions dollars, even billions. But I would have guaranteed you a generational wealth.

5x3 x 5x3 x 5x3 = 3375x your investment. (+3.375.000%)
Started with: 100K
Ended up with: 337.5M

Secret of all of this is: to follow the damn working plan.


Unpopular advice:

1- When BTC lost -80%, buy all the red candles. (buy falling knives)

2- When BTC lost -80% and start add some strong green candles, buy the damn the green candles.

3- People never get rich because when they earned "a lot of money", their priority number one become "how to secure that money". They stop taking risk, even if the initial plan was a good one. In reality, 100K when you had nothing is huge. And 100M is also huge when you had 100K. And spoiler: you will also feel insecure after securing your money. So you would rather like to feel insecure for earning more than to feel insecure for saving.

4- People don't yet really realize that it is so much more dangerous to look for a one-time 8x than to look for 2x-2x-2x three times.

Bitcoin halvings:

  • Nov. 28, 2012, to 25 bitcoins
  • July 9, 2016, to 12.5 bitcoins
  • May 11, 2020, to 6.25 bitcoins
  • April 19, 2024, to 3.125 bitcoins
  • Mid-2028, to 1.5625 bitcoins
  • Mid-2032, to 0.75625 bitcoins
  • Mid-2036, to 0.375625 bitcoins